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Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2019


You never know what to expect when bringing your new friend home. You might feel insecure because you might never had a cat before. But I think that the main reason is.... Cats are all diferent. Yes, they are. For those who make statements about cats like if all cats are the same... Well, I think is like saying all Chinese people know kung fu or are great with maths 😞. Cats come with all kind of personalities, tastes and colours. Of course they are cats and they have things in common, but you should always have in mind that they are not all the same😽😼😾🙀. From the moment they are born we can start spoting their personalities; outgoing, shy, active, calm... When you see them groing up you can tell how different they are. But they are cats and they are some things you can do to prepare your home -and yourself- for the great arrival. 1 - Provide a confortable and secure place. So there is an statement that can fit most cats; they are cautios and do not like big changes. Prepare a nic